We would like to invite you to become a sponsor for our sports programs. As a sponsor, your business will receive high visibility advertising at our facilities. Our athletic community is comprised of families that reside in Summerville and stretch across the area.
Sponsorship opportunities are available for basketball, flag football, t-ball, coach pitch, and soccer. The sponsorship is $225 per team, with specials if you sponsor multiple teams. This sponsorship gets your business name/logo printed on the front of your team’s jersey.
Our newest offer is 3’x6’ banners that will be hung along the entrance fencing of the baseball fields at The Jerry Blackwell Sports Complex at Gahagan Park. This facility is home to 10,000 sports participants, thousands of community members that come out for our special events, picnics, and family fun 360 days a year-estimating 40,000 annual visitors. Banners are going to be sold at $300, with specials if purchasing multiple.
If you have any questions, please contact Makenzie Wall at (843) 508-0767 or contact us by email at mwall@summervillesc.gov.
We thank you for your generous contributions to The Town of Summerville Parks & Recreation Department.